Code Review: diag_revealer¶
In this page, we will review diag_revealer, the core of the in-device of MobileInsight.
What is diag_revealer?¶
Simply put, diag_revealer extracts raw low-level cellular messages from the mobile phone’s cellular chipset. This is the first step for MobileInsight forward in-device cellular monitoring and analysis. Each time you run [OnlineMonitor] ( in MobileInsight apk, the first step is to launch the diag_revealer deamon.
Please note that, diag_revealer is NOT a MobileInsight monitor, although it is called by MobileInsight’s OnlineMonitor (mobile version). A MobileInsight monitor does more than just collecting raw logs, such as parsing and filtering the logs. diag_revealer is only developed to support the monitor’s functions. The relations between diag_revealer and monitors will be elaborated below.
Currently diag_revealer supports Qualcomm Snapdragon chipsets. We plan to extend it to support more cellular chipsets (e.g., MediaTek, Intel XMM series).
Logic of diag_revealer: A Big Picture¶
[Here] ( is the complete code of diag_revealer. Here we only discuss its high-level logics. The following figure shows the architecture of diag_revealer:
+---------------+ Raw binaries +-------------+ Raw binary logs (via diag_revealer_fifo) +------------------+
|Diagnostic port| --------------> |diag_revealer| ---------------------------------------> |AndroidDiagMonitor|
| (/dev/diag) | <-------------- | (raw logs) | <--------------------------------------- | (OnlineMonitor) |
+---------------+ DIAG.cfg +-------------+ DIAG_CFG_PATH FIFO_PATH +------------------+
As shown above, diag_revealer is implemented as a proxy daemon between in-device diagnostic port (/dev/diag) and MobileInsight monitor. It extracts raw binaries from the diagnostic port, filters out cellular logs and push them into a monitor-specified FIFO (i.e., a [Linux pipe] ( Then the monitor can pull the raw cellular logs from FIFO and performs further parsing/analysis.
The overall life cycle of diag_revealer includes three steps:
activate the diagnostic port;
configure the cellular messages to be collected;
extract raw cellular messages.
We next present some key implementation details for each step.
Step 1: activate the diagnostic port¶
In this step, diag_revealer opens the diagnostic port, and configures it with the standard Linux ioctl function. The configurations include activation of the log collection, clearing the buffers, and optionally real-time settings for the buffer. The following snapshots show how this is achieved:
int fd = open("/dev/diag", O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0) {
perror("open diag dev");
return -8002;
* Enable logging mode
* Reference:
ret = ioctl(fd, DIAG_IOCTL_SWITCH_LOGGING, (char *) &mode);
if (ret < 0) {
LOGD("ioctl SWITCH_LOGGING fails, with ret val = %d\n", ret);
perror("ioctl SWITCH_LOGGING");
// Yuanjie: the following works for Samsung S5
ret = ioctl(fd, DIAG_IOCTL_SWITCH_LOGGING, (char *) mode);
if (ret < 0) {
LOGD("Alternative ioctl SWITCH_LOGGING fails, with ret val = %d\n", ret);
perror("Alternative ioctl SWITCH_LOGGING");
In activating log, the key parameter for ioctl
is the request string
), which determines the command to
be used. A very natural question would arise: how can I know the
request string and the parameters associated with it? The short answer
is they are defined in the driver codes of /dev/diag. The following
code defines the macros for these request strings (the complete driver
source code can be found
`here <>`__):
/* Different IOCTL values */
Among these driver codes, some critical ones are listed here for reference:
includes/linux/diagchar.h: this file defines the ioctl parameters. By reading this file, you may find some useful parameters such as clearing the buffers, improving the real-time behaviors, registering callbacks for the messages, etc.
drivers/char/diag/diagchar_core.c: this file implements how ioctl options are handled (in
). By reading this file, you can better understand the meaning and required parameter types for eachioctl
request strings. This helps you better extend diag_revealer.
Step 2: configure the cellular messages to be collected¶
The next step is to configure the diagnostic port on the message types
to be collected. To do this, the OnlineMonitor first generates file
called DIAG.cfg
, which specifies the cellular message types (the
details of DIAG.cfg
will be discussed in the upcoming tutorials).
Then diag_revealer reads this file, and write it directly into
BinaryBuffer buf_write = read_diag_cfg(argv[1]); //… ret = write_commands(fd, &buf_write); //fd points to /dev/diag //…
In diag_revealer, this step is implemented in write_commands
, as
shown below:
static int
write_commands (int fd, BinaryBuffer *pbuf_write)
// Write DIAG.cfg directly into /dev/diag
Step 3: extract raw cellular messages¶
The last step is to collect raw cellular logs. To do so, diag_revealer first opens the Linux FIFO pipe specified by the monitor, and set the pipe size large enough (128MB in current implementation). This prevents the overflow of buffer when the cellular log volume is huge (e.g., all logs enabled)
// Messages are output to this FIFO pipe
int fifo_fd = open(argv[2], O_WRONLY); // block until the other end also calls open()
if (fifo_fd < 0) {
perror("open fifo");
return -8005;
} else {
// LOGD("FIFO opened\n");
int pipesize = DIAG_FIFO_PIPE_SIZE; //128MB in current implementation
fcntl(fifo_fd, F_SETPIPE_SZ, pipesize);
Then diag_revealer will pool the dev/diag and read raw binaries. Each
time it reads binaries, it parses the very basic header, and check if
the binaries are real cellular logs (USER_SPACE_DATA_TYPE
, defined
in includes/linux/diagchar.h
). If so, it pushes the binaries into
the FIFO pipe. If any failures happen in writing logs into FIFO,
diag_revealer will exit safely.
while (1) {
int read_len = read(fd, buf_read, sizeof(buf_read));
if (read_len > 0) {
if (*((int *)buf_read) == USER_SPACE_DATA_TYPE) {
// Read further binaries and push them into the FIFO
// ...
Q: Does diag_revealer support all Android-Qualcomm phones?
A: Currently diag_revealer cannot support Nexus 5/6 (Issue
#107). The phenomenon is that, step 1-3 works correctly, but /dev/diag
does not push binaries with type USER_SPACE_DATA_TYPE
. Note that
other types of binaries are observed, which implies that /dev/diag works
correctly. We suspect it is caused by some missing steps we haven’t
implemented in diag_revealer.
Q: Is it possible to see the debugging messages of diagnostic drivers?
A: Yes! You can run dmesg | grep diag
in adb shell, which
filters the in-kernel debugging messages of diag driver. Then you can
search them in the driver code. This provides more hints on how diag
driver works.